About us

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Who are we

Aid Ukraine Denmark is an NGO and a network of volunteers that help Ukrainians who have fled the war. We are a team of diverse people who use our professional skills to make a difference for those in need.

How were we established?

Aid Ukraine Denmark was established in a very short time due to the urgent, unfortunate situation that Ukrainians are fleeing the war. We are an organisation of voluntary forces with one single agenda and purpose – a humanitarian duty.

How do we operate?

Aid Ukraine Denmark coordinates various volunteers who want to help the Ukrainians settle in Denmark. We assist with things like English coaching, job opportunities, job-matching consultancy and social activities.

We are a supplementary help to the integration work done by Danish public institutions, and we adjust our activities based on current needs.

Why did we emerge?

The purpose of Aid Ukraine Denmark is to help Ukrainians feel safe, protected and valued in Denmark. We specifically take care of Ukrainians in Denmark and leave other relief aid for established organisations such as Red Cross and Doctors without Borders.

What is the need?

Many Ukrainians have arrived in Denmark. Jobs, social needs, and language skills are the most common needs. We are committed to assisting as many Ukrainians as possible to temporarily integrate into Danish society through social activities and networks and fully-fledged participation in the labour market.

Our results

Brought 529 people safely to Denmark
Helped 70 Ukrainian families find new homes
Matched 69 of our buddies with Ukrainian families
Helped to arrange 2 job fairs with1200 Ukrainians
Arranged 10 social events with over 2000 participants
Launched first four groups of free English classes

Meet our team

Mette Wibeck Olsen
CEO & Board member [email protected]
Soley Jæger
Thomas Senderovitz
Tore Durevold
Board member [email protected]
Malene Brandt
Board member [email protected]
Stine Trampe
Team Social Lead [email protected]
Will Jeffords
Will Jeffords
Smartsheet Expert [email protected]
Svala Sigfusardottir
Communication Lead [email protected]
Morten Hjorth Nielsen
Website Administator [email protected]
Susie Ekstrand
Voulenteer [email protected]
Lykke Bjerglund Graff
Voulenteer [email protected]
Henning Krog
Team Social [email protected]
Tanya Krog
Team Social [email protected]
Anna Kudelia
Team Social [email protected]
Camilla Rosager
Team Social [email protected]

Core values

Mutual Trust
Our trust builds teamwork and collaboration
Empathy & Care
Empathy and care are at the heart of everything we do
We treat all people with dignity and respect
We respond to emerging needs with full commitment
Equality & Diversity
Volunteering is open to all; we support equity and equality

Join our team!

Sign up here

Contact us

Please reach out to our leadership team at [email protected]

For any media inquiries, or if you’d like to be included in our press outreach, please contact Mette Wibeck Olsen at [email protected]

If you want to contribute as an organization. Please contact [email protected]

If you want to help as a volunteer. Please sign up here.