The event was attended by 40 highly engaged Ukrainians.
The Aid Ukraine Denmark Jobs & Skills workshop pilot took place on Thursday,
August 18th, at the Frivilligcenter of Rudersdal.
The workshop was designed to inform our Ukrainian friends about topics around job
search and working life in Denmark.
The audience consisted of Ukrainians from Ruderdal and a couple of other
municipalities that came to Denmark to find a temporary home while the Russian war
against Ukraine was underway.
The presenters spent slightly over two hours talking about a smart way of compiling
CVs, cultural differences between Ukraine and Denmark and many-many other
topics around Jobs & Skills including but not limited to employee rights and unions in
Denmark. The workshop was conducted in Ukrainian.
The event was attended by approx. 40 highly engaged participants listening
attentively, asking all sorts of questions, and sharing experiences – and emotions.
The feedback received was highly helpful and encouraging.
The team Jobs & Skills will coordinate further similar workshops on topics of
relevance in collaboration with third party presenters.